
Understanding content: making people love you?

New content formats also require updated approaches to working with information. The current journalist begins by rethinking approaches to working with data and sources, armed with Source Science 2.0. After the discovery and extraction of information, it is necessary to check and verify it. Fact-checking tools come into play.

At the stage of assembling the material, it is important to make the content interactive, resonant, and engaging. For a big story, the multimedia longread format is best.

Interest in longreads and features does not mean neglecting small formats. The trend towards atomizing content, especially on mobile platforms, requires the ability to compress messages and meanings. As in the case of journalism “at a glance”.

The up-and-coming journalist sees new opportunities for video content creation and development models for audio formats. His attention is drawn to the visualization and potential of infographics. The search for new forms of information presentation, constant experimentation with content is a sign of a mature understanding of modern processes.

An astute editor also understands the psychological characteristics of content perception and knows useful tricks to grab the audience’s attention. This helps make his content more clickable.

The new journalist is tech-savvy in content creation and distribution. Understands, if not in the basics of programming, then presents the logic and scheme of work of content management systems (CMS), at least. He is aware of how usability affects the quality of perception and assimilation of content. Therefore, he trusts the results of machine tests (for example, according to the A / B testing model) more than his own opinion.

He is friends with devices, therefore he knows how to create and broadcast content in the “here and now” mode. Easily create text live broadcasts or turn on from the scene in video format.

Keeps a smartphone ready, for example, with the Periscope app. Knows what drones are capable of and how to get impressive images with them.